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Final 2018 Availability!

We've only got one month of availability left for 2018!

Once again, we've been lucky enough to have a huge amount of interest shown in exhibiting with us next year and our exhibition calendar is now all but full. It's looking likely that we'll be taking a short break in January to sort out some changes that are taking place here on Lucius Street, but after that we'll be looking to kick off the our exhibition calendar in February. This is also the last month we have left available! We've broadened the options for exhibitions next year and our calendar already has a great mix of open, solo and group shows being brought to us by a huge number of talented local artists. February will be no exception and we're happy to welcome proposals for any exhibition type to start the year. Whatever it might be, we'll be counting on you to help us begin 2018 with something special as we all make the final push out of Winter and into Spring! You'll be our opening act for our new calendar as we welcome audiences back into the gallery for the first time after Christmas, making this a great opportunity for a group of artists to join us in the space. If you're interested in submitting a proposal for an open, or booking the space for a group or solo show, please get in touch to snap up our final availability. We're look forward to welcoming you to the 2018 team!

Check out the calls page for full details of this opportunity!



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