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Busy, busy!

[Archive: Another early blog post from our original site.]

The Private View went really well on Saturday night with the gallery, cafe and garden buzzing. Plus we ha d some great music played by ‘SULU’, a jazz/blues duo. It was great this week to see the gallery and cafe being used for various meetings: Jenni Pentecost met with a fellow artist in the cafe, St Luke’s Residents Association had a meeting to discuss an event that they are planning and Torquay Town Centre Community Partnership also had a meeting here on Wednesday evening that was well attended.

We sold some pieces at the Private View and today, Saturday, have sold quite a few more so it looks like people are getting to know that we are here.

One of the artists who will be exhibiting next came in to take a look at the space and there have been a few other visits from artists during the week with another one signing up for the July exhibition. So as far as wall space goes, the gallery is pretty much fully booked now until October.

We will be starting Life Drawing classes in a few weeks time so if anyone is interested please contact the gallery. Loopy Art has been out and about painting this week, she has donated some paintings to Palm105 fm who will be auctioning them off but they are here in the gallery if anyone wants to come and take a look.

Met a lovely guy this week, Robert Ruddy, who popped into the cafe for a cup of tea, he is a horse dentist, never knew such a job existed, fascinating guy, on his way down to Cornwall for his honeymoon but had stopped off here as his wife had been involved in the restoration of Torre Abbey and was attending a ceremony there. In fact there have been lots of lovely people coming into the gallery this week, not only loving the gallery but saying how good the whole of Lucius Street is looking.

On Monday evening 7pm-9pm we are offering ‘Tarot for a Tenner’ so why not pop along and see what the cards have to say for you.



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