Bas Relief Wall Sculpture by Ama Menec
Ama Menec
Ama Menec has been working in Ceramics since the early 80's having gained her Art Foundation in Cambridge in 1984. Ama has been sculpting full time at Coombe Park in Devon since 2001 following a varied career including time spent as a potters' assistant to Rupert Andrews in Cambridge and as a production thrower for David White in West Yorkshire. She gained her Applied Arts B.A. from the University of Derby in 1996
Her natural history sculptures focus primarily on endangered British animals, and those that have made a comeback such as the Buzzard, Red Kite, Wild Boar, Raven and Moose. She is also influenced by early 20th century stone carving, particularly Art Deco, the qualities of line and use of negative spaces.
The wall hanging sculptures on display, part of a series, are often inspired by wood cut and lino print composition combined with architectural stone carving techniques. She strives for a similar look by carving back leather hard clay using sharp steel tools, like a softer form of stone carving or engraving. They are suitable for hanging either indoors or outdoors.
Ama has exhibited her work widely throughout the UK, was selected in 2015 to be a part of the Royal Academy Summer Show and has also won several awards.
This wall hanging sculpture is part of a series inspired by wood cut and lino print composition combined with architectural stone carving techniques. Ama Menec strives for a similar look by carving back leather hard clay using sharp steel tools, like a softer form of stone carving or engraving. They are suitable for hanging either indoors or outdoors. Hangs in multiple orientations
Bas Relief Wall Sculpture