Where Creativity Lies
A Sense of Identity
Creativity takes many forms. For some, it is a presiding force in life, driving actions, determining thinking, it may even be a profession. We may call these people creatives, or artists, or writers, or performers. For others, creativity may seem daunting, an abstract construct that is pursued by others but not by them. It might be a memory of art class or music lessons, or a poem written for a long-lost sweetheart, or a picture doodled whilst on hold with the insurance company.
The Art of You welcomes visitors to explore their own creative being in an exhibition that brings together works, objects and writings from individuals of all walks of life. Some of the exhibitors call themselves artists. Many do not. Throughout the show we'll be sharing their works and their stories with you as we challenge the idea of what it is to lead a creative life.
The collection brings together exhibits from across the United Kingdom and abroad ranging from audio-visual studies on identity, to childhood works of now professional artists, to sketchbooks that capture the seeds of ideas and creative manifestos that dig deep into them. Throughout, we'll invite you to join us in the space and reflect on the creative aspects of your life through those of others. As well as this we'll encourage all our visitors to declare their own creativity and add their voice to our audio archive, make their mark on our daily doodle, and add their object to our treasure chest.
The exhibition runs throughout February in what we hope will be an evocative and and transformative display. Through this broad call, we hope to present a show that is in part autobiographical, and where visitors are encouraged to focus on the lives behind the works. Through the collective display of personal items, the opportunity to draw interpretations of where shared aspects of creation lie, and where difference and similitude can be found in the homes of individual muses will be available, with scope to explore the raw and unrefined elements of creative process.
Exhibiting Artists