Feb 7, 2018

Artist Nights are Back!

Can you believe it’s been over a year since we had our last artist evening at Artizan Gallery!? Well, we’ve been a little busy and there’s certainly been no shortage of other excuses to head into the gallery and say hello. That being said, we have missed these dedicated artist nights, and that’s why we’re bringing them back!

Starting from next Thursday (14th February) we’ll be hosting not monthly, not fortnightly, but weekly Artist Nights! The formats going to be a bit simpler. For the main, we won’t be organising speakers and there wont be any theme, but we’ll be promoting this as a regular time for artists to meet, chat and collaborate at the Gallery between the hours of 17:00 and 18:00 (and later if we’re all having a good time). During this time, you’ll be able to grab a cup of java for just £2.00 and the team and the space will be at your disposal to help facilitate whatever scale of meetup you want to organise. Whether it’s just a chance to socialise, or an opportunity to get some serious project planning done, we hope that the return of the Artizan Artist Nights will be welcome news to many!

So, spread the word, grab a friend, and head on down to join us next Thursday!

#2018 #ArtsampCulture #Artists #Events #Evenings