Jul 16, 2018

Starting small, aiming big

We all start small and in my case, very small. As a child, I saw the heights of creativity and ambition amongst the adults. I lifted myself up, crept out of my shadow and stood at the very edge, nervous of being out of my depth. Today I am a strong swimmer. But we all start out small.

I have the pleasure of being selected to exhibit at the Artizan Summer Exhibition Fleet Walk Torquay. I am also a member of the Torbay Guild of Artists, twelve members are in the exhibition, which started out small in the 1960s. All the artists in the exhibition started out small. The gallery started out as small.

My mixed media picture Child Artist represents the artist as small. The blue and white motif is a pattern I made at school in 1971. The fox is a picture I created in 1976. The necklace is made from Milton Head Pottery motifs,1950-59, designed by my father, when the pottery was small but his ambition was big

In Pot Family Tree I am represented as a small pot, moulded by my father. Both pictures are made from small works that make a larger one, representing the steps we make to become artists, hoping one day to become big.