Dec 5, 2017

2018 Garden Salon Open

There's a brand new exhibition coming to Artizan next year: The Artizan Garden Salon Open!


This is an exciting new show for the Gallery, a year long rolling open which will run on a subscription basis. The exhibition model is incredibly simple. Pay £15 and bring in a piece of art to hang in the Garden Salon. Upon acceptance, your piece will then be on display for one month at which point you can guarantee it stays up the next month for just £10. And that’s all there is to it!


We hope this will be a great opportunity to welcome all of our local artists, as well as those from further afield, to show a sample of their work on our walls on a long-term basis. February will be the first opportunity to enter work and we'll be looking to start of the year with a strong showing and some very full walls! Joining us for this opportunity is really simple so if you'd like to take part grab a booking form or come in and see us to find out more.

Check out the calls page for full details of this opportunity!

#opportunity #Artists #ArtsampCulture #2018 #exhibiting #open